Thursday, April 25, 2024

Week #32 Quiz Study Guide ...

 Study Guide

Open note quiz - Week #32

  1. Review our Week #31 Key Terms.
  2. The cardiovascular System - Path of blood through the heart. Where does it come from (when entering the atria) and where does it go (when leaving the ventricles.)
  3. Differences between atria and ventricles.
  4. The organs of the circulatory system.
  5. Heart rate. How is it measured. 
  6. Caring for our cardiovascular system.
  7. The digestive system - pH and our stomach acid.
  8. What is the difference between acids and bases.
  9. Veins vs arteries. 
  10. Blood and blood pressure. Components of blood and the reason for blood pressure.
  11. Interpreting graphs. How can we tell if there IS a positive correlation between the independent and dependent variable?

Board pics - 04.25.2024 - Science -


04.25.2024 - Environmental Studies - Diving in to rivers.

 California Rivers - Day 1 - 

Please complete this ON PAPER and place your work in the “in” box.

  1. Name five MAJOR California rivers.

2.  Name five MAJOR dams in California.

3.  When was the Hetch Hetchy (O’Shaughnessy Dam) complete?

4.  What were two major arguments FOR the construction of the O’Shaughnessy Dam?

5.  What were two arguments AGAINST the construction of the O’Shaughnessy Dam?

6.  What is YOUR opinion on the damming of Hetch Hetchy?

7.  REASEaRCH:  Name an animal that depends upon a California river. (Beaver, bear, trout, salmon, etc.)

Give the Scientific name and the common name of your animal. 

Draw a picture of your animal.

Describe the diet and life style of your animal. (Aquatic? Carnivorous? etc.)

Write a few sentences, beneath your picture, of how your animal has been affected by a dam in California. (EVERY animal that is connected with a river in California has been affected, somehow, by the dam. Dive in and do the reading and research on-line.)