Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Week #22 - Notebook check

 Week #22 - Notebook Check


  1. Darwin vs. Lamarck: Similarities and differences in their theories.
  2. The bone of mammalian forelimbs.
  3. The Scopes trial. Why and where?
  4. Be able to name, at least, three pieces of evidence for evolution.
  5. Embryology and evolution: how does studying mammal embryos lend evidence for evolution?

Science - Notes for 01.28.2025 and 01.29.2025 (Tues / Weds) - Week #22


Tuesday, January 7, 2025

January 7th - Tuesday - Science - Intro to Punnett Squares


January 7th - Environmental Science - Slides assignment - WEEK #19

Animal extinction in California - Slideshow assignment- 

60 Minutes: The Sixth Extinction:

  1. Choose one of the extinct, or endangered, animals from yesterday’s assignment on the food web. Write a brief paragraph on why the animal is extinct or endangered. What led to the decline in population?
  2. Include a slide with a picture, or drawing, of your extinct or endangered animal.
  3. Include a slide that shows one, or more, animals BESIDES your animal that is affected by the decline of the extinct or endangered animal you chose. Explain why the decline in the population of your animal affected other species.
  4. Research:  Include a slide that shows WHERE (what biome) most animal extinctions are occurring today.
  5. Include a slide that explains WHY when one animal goes extinct it affects other animals on Earth.
  6. Why did the arrival of Europeans in North America lead to wide spread extinctions in, what is now, California?
  7. Show or describe how further extinctions of animals might be prevented in California.