Hi class ... here's the links to the video lesson posted on YouTube .... Meant to go along with today's math and science notes ..
Wednesday, April 29, 2020
04.29.2020 - Science Notes -
04.29.2020 - Wednesday - Science -
Remember to, as always, define CAPITALIZED terms with which you are unfamiliar.
- Current Events: CNN !0 link … https://www.cnn.com/cnn10
- One note on UFO’s … Yes, “Unidentified Flying Objects.” The reason for a note on UFO’s is that, very often, people have wondered if UFO’s are a sign that some kind of EXTRATERRESTRIAL LIFE is visiting Earth, perhaps in an advanced spacecraft. In science class we have a reading in our text about UFO’s. While UFO’s are, sometimes, unexplained, as scientists we have to look at them critically and there’s no reason to think they’re from other planets.
- One note on exploring the oceans - while vast regions of the oceans remain unexplored the show - today - focuses on new techniques for exploring.
II. Chromosomes, genes, and DNA.
A. In the clip, that we watched in class, from the science fiction movie Jurassic Park the geneticists use DNA from dinosaurs to recreate entire animals.
B.. While mosquitos did exist during the MESOZOIC period - and they did feed on dinosaurs - the DNA from dinosaurs is long gone. Trying to recreate a whole dinosaur would be like trying to recreate an entire novel of thousands of pages with only the scraps of a few of the pages available. There’s too much missing information.
III. DNA - the long molecule that carries genetic information - is a DOUBLE HELIX.
A. The DNA instructs the cell on ho to build PROTEINS.
B. PROTEINS are made up of smaller blocks called AMINO ACIDS.
C. There are 20 different types of AMINO ACIDS.
IV. Human DNA contains the instructions for making thousands of different types of PROTEINS.
V. The BASE PAIRS of DNA are made of four different types of molecules. They are abbreviated with the letters A - T - C - G. (Adenine, Thymine, Cytosine, and Guanine.)
A. (aside) - In this class you don’t need to remember the names of the four bases, just remember the letters for now.
VI. The BASE PAIRS always fit together, or pair up, in the following ways …
A. Adenine always pairs with Thymine. ( A - T )
B. Cytosine always pairs with Guanine. ( C - G )
VII. A section of DNA that codes for (tells the cell how to make) a single protein is called a GENE.
A. Humans have more than 20,000 GENES!
B. (aside) There is DNA in our cells that doesn’t seem to “code” for proteins. It’s called “non-coding” DNA and we really don’t know what it does!
VII. DNA is organized into CHROMOSOMES. Humans have 23 pairs of chromosomes.
A. Different SPECIES may have very different numbers of chromosomes.
B. Notice we said 23 PAIRS of chromosomes. Animals get half of their chromosomes from their mother and the other half from their father.
C. The DNA from your parents gets mixed, which is why each person is unique!
D. Humans have 46 pairs of chromosomes.
OK class … that is a ton of information! We’ll go into this in more detail and go through the “rules” for how genes mix to give us specific TRAITS. For now, our job is to be sure we know those Key Terms (CAPITALIZED TERMS) as we’ll be using them this unit. -
Tuesday, April 28, 2020
04.28.2020 - Science -
Assessment - Email you answers to me by Friday ... Thanks :-)
04.28.2020 - Science Assessment - Due Friday, 05.01.2020
- What are two things that are similar about cells and viruses?
- What are two things that are different about cells and viruses?
- How does life add oxygen to our atmosphere?
- What energy source powers the Carbon Cycle?
- Why is the rock cycle essential (really important) for life to exist on Earth?
- What’s the difference between and atom (or element) and a molecule?
- Name four different types of molecules.
- What are the four, “most important,” types of elements (atoms) needed for life?
- And 10. Name two facts from CURRENT EVENTS other than news about the Corona Virus.
04.28.2020 - Tuesday -
04.28.2020 - Tuesday -
- New video posted and a math focus video on the way at …. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FKGVqxUYvwo
- I’ll work on sound quality and notes. I’m somewhat new to the YouTube world and it doesn’t look like I have a career as a “You Tuber.”
- Science - Notes and a brief assessment. The assessment will be due by Friday, May 1st. - Assessment (questions) will be posted this morning in Google Classroom and on the blog.
- Math - Unit 6, Lesson 12.
- STEM - Computers. How computers code and send pictures. (continued.)
II. The link for attendance:
A. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSd2s0AMvXbAXE6xWIZKc8KuCFL6NkeIZbTxub5lnN4FjZ5B-Q/viewform
III. Science notes on the blog (also will be posted in the Science Google classroom.)
A. Blog - http://www.pacificascience.org/
B. CNN 10 (Current Events). https://www.cnn.com/cnn10
IV. Google classroom links.
A. The Google Classroom links:
1. Math. o5jdv6r
2. Science. xxhaswm
3. STEM - yox77qa
V. Kahn Academy log in code:
A. The Kahn Academy class code for math: 77R2HNBX
Monday, April 27, 2020
04.27.2020 - Monday - Science / STEM notes and video lecture.
04.27.2020 – Monday –
I. Current
Events: Link to CNN 10 … https://www.cnn.com/cnn10
A. One note on Covid 19 - (Science and computer tie-in.)
B. One note on the Lunar Map….
II. Interactive
notes: Today’s notes are meant for
you (the student) to write into your notes while answering the questions the
notes pose. For example, when the notes ask for a molecule name, draw and give
the name of, a molecule.
Molecules: We’ve studied,
and drawn, several molecules in this class this year. Draw – and name the atoms
in – the following molecules;
A. Carbon dioxide:
IV. The study
of molecules that contain CARBON is ORGANIC CHEMISTRY. While Carbon dioxide
does contain carbon, usually organic chemistry references long molecules that
are related to living things.
V. DNA: This is the very long molecule that contains the
GENETIC CODE that runs the cells in every living thing. Usually DNA is found in
A. Name a type of cell where the DNA is
NOT in a nucleus.
VI. Cells are,
often, compared with factories. Even our current text refers to cells as
factories. It’s a good analogy because cells male things for ORGANISMS to
survive. Sometimes cells make PROTEINS, or ENZYMES, or other substances need by
an organism.
considered non-living by most scientists because it does not carry out
METABOLISM. To survive, a virus attaches to a cell and “injects” some DNA or
RNA into the cell.
A. Once inside the cell, the DNA or RNA
takes over the cell and forces the cell to make more copies of the virus! This
is what is happening with Covid19 right now!
B. Name three other viruses.
VIII. Today’s
science video lecture. (With a tie-in to STEM.) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FKGVqxUYvwo
04.27.2020 - Monday - STEM -
- Last time we were asked to make a picture using only black and white squares. There could be no “half squares. Either the entire square had to be colored in black, or left uncolored.
- For today, a similar project but with color.
- Please use at least three different colors.
- No “half-squares.” A square must be left blank, or be completely filled in with a single color.
II. We’ll take both of our PIXEL DRAWINGS and learn about how computers code and send information about pictures across the internet.
A. Also, we’ll learn about why some pictures take much more time to send.
04.27.2020 - Monday -
- I hope the YouTube links were helpful. ‘Was in meetings on science curriculum on Friday and a brief meeting this morning. The content today will be;
- Science - Notes and a brief assessment. The assessment will be due by Friday, May 1st.
- Math - Unit 6, Lesson 11.
- STEM - Computers. How computers code and send pictures.
II. The link for attendance:
A. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSd2s0AMvXbAXE6xWIZKc8KuCFL6NkeIZbTxub5lnN4FjZ5B-Q/viewform
III. Science notes on the blog (also will be posted in the Science Google classroom.)
A. Blog - http://www.pacificascience.org/
B. CNN 10 (Current Events). https://www.cnn.com/cnn10
IV. Google classroom links.
A. The Google Classroom links:
1. Math. o5jdv6r
2. Science. xxhaswm
3. STEM - yox77qa
V. Kahn Academy log in code:
A. The Kahn Academy class code for math: 77R2HNBX
VI. The math - Unit 6 - lessons have been scanned in through lesson 5. Notes and self-correction answer keys will be scanned and posted today.
Thursday, April 23, 2020
04.23.2020 - Math and Science video links
04.23.2020 - Thursday -
Video Lesson links to YouTube
Thanks ... Scott Forbes
04.23.2020 - Science - Thursday -
04.23.2020 - Thursday - Science -
Remember to define CAPITALIZED terms with which you are unfamiliar. (Left side of notes.)
- Current Events: Please check out CNN 10 and get down two facts from the piece on how the environment has changes since the Covid 19 shelter-in-place orders. CNN 10 link … https://www.cnn.com/cnn10
- … (your first fact here.)
- … (your second fact here.)
II. We’ve been study CYCLES in nature and some of the cycles that occur in life, the Earth, and even the universe. Some of the examples are …
A. The rock cycle.
B. The cell cycle.
C. Te cycle of the stars forming, creating heavier elements, going supernova, and the creation of new solar systems.
III. There are many other cycles. Here’s your first challenge today. Write down TWO (2) more cycles that you can think of that are not, yet, on our list of cycles we’ve studied.
A. (First cycle here.)
B. (Next cycle here.)
IV. Math tends to be taught in a step-by-step, sequential way. Each skill builds on the last that was learned. While science does to, in science there is, often, not a clear “start” - instead, we jump in to a place on one of our cycles and start learning how it fits in the a bigger picture. That’s what we’ve been doing by learning a bit about atoms and molecules - and where they come from. Now we move into what happens when those atoms and molecules get together into the molecules that have the characteristics of LIFE.
V. DNA - The is one of the longest molecules known that carries GENETIC INFORMATION from one generation to the next. It’s a molecule, inside cells, that has the ability to make a copy of itself!
VI. The ATOMS that get together to make DNA are mainly Carbon, Nitrogen, Oxygen, and Hydrogen.
VII. How do we know the structure of DNA and how can we tell that these atoms are scattered all over the universe?
A. That’s where our study of RADIATION (LIGHT) comes in!
VIII. There are all kinds of radiation that we cannot see with our eyes. Some examples are …
A. Microwaves.
B.. Radiowaves
C. X-Rays
IX. Some atoms, like Carbon - 14, or other RADIOACTIVE elements, release RADIATION as they, naturally, “fall apart.” When an atom breaks apart, we call this RADIOACTIVE DECAY. It happens in nature constantly.
X. This RADIOACTIVE DECAY releases a tiny amount of HEAT. That is one reason the inside of our Earth stays so hot!
04.23.2020 - Thursday - Daily Links -
04.23.2020 - Thursday -
Good morning. No instruction scheduled for tomorrow as teachers are in an on-line class, although I will still post a few clarifications to the notes and links.
I. In MATH - Unit 6, lesson 10 is posted as a PDF in Google Classroom.
A. A “YouTube” math lesson was posted from our classroom yesterday. I’ll be in today doing another “YouTube” lesson for science and math.
1. Here’s the YouTube link to yesterday’s math notes. It posts much easier from school because of better wifi …. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1jf7t9Xst1A
II. The link for attendance: Please click on the the attendance each morning :-)
A. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSd2s0AMvXbAXE6xWIZKc8KuCFL6NkeIZbTxub5lnN4FjZ5B-Q/viewform
III. The blog …. http://www.pacificascience.org/
A. The link to today’s current events (CNN 10) is here.
1. https://www.cnn.com/cnn10
IV. Google classroom links.
A. The Google Classroom links:
1. Math. o5jdv6r
2. Science. xxhaswm
3. STEM: yox77qa
V. Kahn Academy log in code:
A. The Kahn Academy class code for math: 77R2HNBX
Wednesday, April 22, 2020
Youtube link ... Math Lesson today 04.22.2020
04.22.2020 - Math -
Hi class! Posted a YouTube lesson today to recap some of the terms and concepts from Unit Six ...
Here's the link ...https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1jf7t9Xst1A
Thanks ... scf
04.22.2020 - Earth Day - Science -
04.22.2020 - Science - Wednesday - Notes / Reflection
This is today’s LEFT side of our notes. The RIGHT side will be a reflection assignment, described below. The notes are a review. As always, be sure to define any CAPITALIZED terms with which you are unfamiliar. - Thanks -
- The notes and reflection are a bit different today as its Wednesday - usually a briefer day in class - and it’s Earth Day.
- Earth Day had been recognized since 1970. It’s designed to increase awareness of the environmental impacts humans have had on our shared environment, the Earth!
- This year, in class, we’ve witnessed - through out current events - the fires in the Amazon, the bleaching of coral reefs worldwide, our oceans having a greater volume of plastic trash than of photosynthesizing plankton, and other alarming trends in the health of our shared environment.
- Our unit on Yosemite, and the naturalist John Muir, was designed to teach and introduce several concepts:
- We (humans) are part of all the cycles in nature, we don’t stand separate from them. The Sierra Nevada mountains are our “reservoir” of fresh water here in Northern California. As the water cycle brings snow, during the winter, to the mountains to our east; the SPRING and SUMMER brings snowmelt that replenishes our rivers - creating habitat for both land and aquatic animals. The freshwater snowmelt also provides our drinking water - here on the San Francisco peninsula. Finally, the fresh water from the snowpack in the Sierra irrigates the crops upon which we all depend.
- With global temperatures rising, partly in response to the increase in CARBON DIOXIDE emissions from the burning of FOSIL FUELS, California is seeing less snow and less fresh water available for irrigation and other, critical, needs.
- Across the world people rely of fresh water melt from GLACIERS to supply their drinking and irrigation water. Most glaciers are in retreat - they are shrinking - as global temperatures rise.
II. On Earth Day we also pay special attention to BIODIVERSITY.
A. SPECIES have been going extinct at an accelerating rate since the INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION. The two, main, reasons for species loss are;
1. HABITAT destruction: Once a habitat is gone, like the Amazon rain forest - for example - species that depend upon that habitat also disappear, forever.
2.. INVASIVE species: In California - and here near San Francisco - we gave the example of several invasive species. For example, eucalyptus tress are non-native trees that were introduced to California a little over one hundred years ago. Since then the Eucalyptus trees have displaced several species of pine and oak - that are NATIVE to California - and have been, partly, responsible for the loss in BIODIVERSITY in our state; including birds, insects, small and medium sized MAMMALS, and REPTILES.
III. Assignment: Visiting the Exploratorium site (linked) please visit any three of the virtual exhibit and write a 20-word minimum reflection on the right side of today’s notes. Please be sure to include the name of the virtual exhibit and something you learned from your visit.
A. Exploratorium Link: https://www.exploratorium.edu/learn
B. It’s OK to visit other museum sites as well. Be sure to write the URL of the site you visited.
04.22.2020 - Wednesday -
04.22.2020 - Wednesday - Earth Day -
- There will be links posted for Earth day lessons and reflections in the Google Classrooms and on the blog..
II. The link for attendance:
A. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSd2s0AMvXbAXE6xWIZKc8KuCFL6NkeIZbTxub5lnN4FjZ5B-Q/viewform
III. I’ll be recording a video lesson today and students can ask questions via email or video link after it’s posted. I might head into our lonely classroom for better internet and a white board.
A. Exploratorium: Earth Day link: https://www.exploratorium.edu/visit/calendar/exploratorium-virtual-earth-day-celebration-4-22-2020
B. CNN 10 link for current events …. https://www.cnn.com/cnn10
IV. Google classroom links.
A. The Google Classroom links:
1. Math. o5jdv6r
2. Science. xxhaswm
3. STEM: yox77qa
V. Kahn Academy log in code:
A. The Kahn Academy class code for math: 77R2HNBX
VI. My goal, today, is to put out a detailed long-range lesson plan for the rest of our academic year. There is an outline plan but a more detailed schedule will be posted. Also, more math notes and corrections with a particular focus on the DISTRIBUTIVE PROPERTY.
Tuesday, April 21, 2020
04.21.2020 - Tuesday - Math Note
04.21.2020 - Tuesday -
A pdf of Unit 6, Lesson 1 solutions was reposted with notes in the margins as we've done in our classroom. In this unit our text spends quite a bit of time on tape diagrams, which are a useful way of solving these type of pre-algebra problems. Tape diagrams are also built upon, later, in grades seven and eight.
I also want to be sure students are still getting the notes I would have given were we in the actual classroom. So the following note (scanned below) is at the beginning of the "Unit 6, Lesson 1 solutions" packet.
Thanks - S. Forbes
Example page from our workbook, with teacher notes and book solution ...
Monday, April 20, 2020
STEM class - 04.20.2020 - Monday -
STEM - Focus on computers - 04.20.2020 - Monday -
Stem notes - Please define the terms that are CAPITALIZED -
Reading and computer notes -
- Sometimes, in the news, when you hear about things like delays in public transportation, or problems accessing an online grade book, or mistakes somewhere - you might have heard someone say; “There was a ‘computer error.’”
- The thing is, computers, really, are just calculators. A computer does not “know” anything but itself. A computer needs a PROGRAM to run.
- There are many different types of COMPUTER PROGRAMMING LANGUAGES.
- When you hear someone blame a computer for an error, what they really mean is that some person made an error while asking the computer to do something or in interpreting the DATA from the computer.
II. Computer languages are often called COMPUTER CODE. Or, “code” for short.
A. (Review) what were two of the computer languages that you looked up?
1 …
III. Computer languages are very much like math. They depend on a “shorthand” of instructions and rely on math rules like;
IV. There are special statements in computer code that are used very often, like …
V. ALL computers only understand one “language.” This is a language called BINARY.
A. Our counting system is based on the number ten. That’s why it’s called a BASE TEN system. Think about it … we count from zero to nine, and then it begins again with a 1-0, 1-1, 1-2, etc …
B. Computers only “worry about” the values ZERO and ONE.
C. Sometimes called “on-off” gates, or “yes-no” gates, any number that we can represent with our base-ten system, can also be represented binary.
VI. All those COMPUTER LANGUAGES take our instructions, or CODE, and put it into a form that computers can understand. Computers, in their CPU’s only understand BINARY.
VII. MACHINE LANGUAGE is a special programming language that is almost the same as BINARY. It’s a series of numbers that the computer can understand.
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