Friday, August 28, 2020
Links to our book beyond this class ...
Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Notes and video for 08.25.2020 - 08.25.2020
Sunday, August 23, 2020
Google classroom codes
08.23.2020 - Sunday -
Friday, August 21, 2020
08.21.2020 - Friday -
August 21st - Friday - Science - Forbes B1 -
I. Good morning: One, final, introduction video posted last night before we jump into the 2020-21 school year. Here's the YouTube link for the video clip.
B. Comparing a science experiment to a golf swing in this one … The scientific process is all about designing a good experiment, controlling variables, and checking out your results so you can refine your theory.
II. Classes on Monday: The ZOOM meeting codes will be posted in our Google Classroom based on your class period. I'll keep the Zoom codes in Google classroom so it's only for those students enrolled in IBL - the Zoom link won't be on the blog. (
III. Materials: For Monday, August 24th please have a notebook ready to go and a pen or pencil with which to write.
IV. Please join the Zoom meeting with your name as it appears on IBL forms.
A. Example: I'd use: "Scott Forbes". (Full first and last name.) Not "Surfer dude". "-). …. We'll be taking roll and getting to know our classmates.
V. Have a wonderful Friday everyone!
VI. Quick shoutout: Our friend and colleague - Ms. Eifert, is out there helping rescue horses and other animals from the wildfires. 'Happened to talk with some rescuers, last night, in Montara. THANK YOU, Kristi,!!!
Thursday, August 20, 2020
08.20.2020 - Thursday -
August 20th - Thursday - 2020 - Science - Mr. Forbes -
I. Current events: Air quality is expected to be poor today due to the wildfires nearby. Take care not to exercise outside.
II. Class code to join our Google Classroom: cbvqnsv
III. Science notebook: We learn and remember more deeply when we hand write notes rather than type them. Printing out the notes and placing them in an interactive student notebook doesn't count as taking notes. Your notebook is yours to keep and use as a reference.
A. Occasionally, a "pop" quiz (in our new "distance learning" environment) might mean sending in a picture from a specific page of your notebook; so be sure to keep up with our science investigations.
III. Try and keep track of the lengths of a specific shadow at a specific time of day, if possible, this week.
Citation #1:
Pod Cast recommendation: (Science Vs.)
IV. Today's YouTube link:
Wednesday, August 19, 2020
08.19.2020 - Wednesday -
August 19th - 2020 - Wednesday - Science -
Link to today's YouTube video notes:
(Remember; you don't have to write down today's notes. We're just getting things up-to-speed for this school year.)
I. Current Events: California fires.
A. The city of Pacifica woke to ash covering cars and homes as wildfires, started by last week's lightning, merged and grew.
B. The California fire season - usually August through November - has been getting longer because of climate change.
ASIDE: Look up the Oakland Hills fire or 1991. A warm, off-shore breeze and dry conditions caused a huge fire storm in the Bay Area.
II. Observation skills and science: Two scientists that we'll learn about this school year are Darwin and Fleming … Both used OBSERVATION SKILLS to change the history of science.
A. Darwin: For his observations aboard the HMS Beagle.
B. Fleming: For his observations that led to the wide-spread use of penicillin.
ASIDE: When you see words or phrases CAPITALIZED please look them up. Be sure to define these KEY TERMS.
III. Observation practice: Locate a convenient object outside. (Tree, house, pole, you, etc.).
A. Note the time and date and mark the length of the shadow.
B. Predict: When you return at the exact same time of day will the shadow be longer, shorter, or will it not have changed?
Tuesday, August 18, 2020
08.18.2020 - Tuesday - More classroom introductions and tours -
August 18th - Tuesday - 2020 -
I. Video tour of classroom and subject matter. Link to today's YouTube greeting…
II. Hi everyone! The first videos are a bit "clunky" but I hope they serve to introduce your classroom, the subject matter, and your teacher for the 2020-21 school year. Looking forward to a year of discovery and learning! Please have a notebook ready-to-go Monday so we can jump right in.
- S. Forbes
Monday, August 17, 2020
08.17.2020 - Monday - Introduction to the 2020-21 school year!
Date: 08.17.2020
Mr. Forbes – Science – Room B1- Ingrid B. Lacy –
I. Welcome to Middle School science and a year of discovery and preparing for high school together. Some important links are below.
A. Current events:
B. Materials needed for this class:
1. Spiral bound notebook: Wide or narrow ruled.
2. Pens and pencils with at least four different colors.
3. Calculator.
C. Link to my YouTube channel:
D. The URL of this blog:
II. My favorite quote from naturalist John Muir:
"When we try to pick out anything by itself, we find it hitched to everything else in the Universe."
A. In this class we'll focus on the science standards for NGSS that are the "overarching concepts" as well as a special focus on tie-ins with local science and how what we learn in class is connected with the larger world beyond our screens and books.
B. My personal goal - for Middle School - has always been to prepare students for the rigors of high school and instill a love and appreciation of science and the scientific process.
C. I would argue that now, more than ever, students - and our community as a whole - needs the process of science to navigate complicated issues such as our response to Covid 19, our environmental challenges, and the sustainability of our world.
III. Final word: While there are obvious challenges with distance learning there are also many opportunities for being self-directed, engaged students. Middle School is a time when students have more opportunities to explore subjects and interests of their own choice. Science class can be one of the ways we begin a lifelong adventure of exploration and discovery.