Friday, April 30, 2021
Wednesday, April 28, 2021
Tuesday, April 27, 2021
Tuesday, April 20, 2021
Week 30 Newsletter
- WEEK 30 - April 19-23 - Science -
Use the text book page hints in parenthesis.
Hi Scientists; As we move into the final eight weeks please look for an email that looks like this each week for our science class. It’ll be posted at and in our Google Classrooms. Each week there will be TWO (2) assignments to turn in. Usually our on-line quiz and one other. There will also be some notes / questions to answer in our notebooks. If your attending class in-person, please be sure to bring your notebook.
Normally, we’d occasionally collect notebooks. But with this unique year, we are keeping our notebooks updated with these assignments and my check on them will be in those on-line, weekly quizzes. So, if you’re keeping a good science notebook (like all scientists do!) The weekly quizzes with be where the teacher checks our understanding.
Thanks and I really hope this is straightforward for everyone. The ZOOM links should stay the same. If we do have to change any of those, I’ll forward the new links.
NOTE for IN-PERSON learning. We line up outside, staying socially distanced. We, then, check our names off on the roll sheet posted at the door using the clean pen / pencil. Place the pen / pencil in the “used” box for cleaning. After checking off your name, grab an open seat. (There are bears in the taken seats - well, stuffed bears anyway.) Have your notebook out and ready-to-go :-)
Thanks … Scott Forbes
- Assignment #1 (TO TURN IN): Choose any TWO (2) “Connections” from the text and submit the questions and answers via e-mail by Friday.
- Assignment #2 (TO TURN IN): On-line quiz: Posted Wednesday and due Friday.
- Assignment #3 (IN OUR NOTEBOOKS): Text Search: Answer the following IN YOUR NOTEBOOK.
- What’s the difference between MASS and WEIGHT? (P.8)
- Give an example of a SOLUTION and name the SOLUTE and the SOLVENT. (P.9)
- In an experiment what is a CONTROL VARIABLE? (Give an example.) (P.13)
- When graphing the results of an experiment we place the data according to a cartesian coordinate plane. Which axis is the INDEPENDENT variable and which axis is used for the DEPENDENT variable? (P. 18)
- Give and example of an experiment that shows a STRONG correlation between the Independent Variable and the Dependent Variable. Review our notes and use a web search if it helps.
- Give and example of an experiment that likely shows NO correlation between the INDEPENDENT variable and the DEPENDENT variable. Again, use your notes, text, and conduct a web search if needed.