Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Optional Extra Credit / Makeup Test - Due by January 4th - 2021 -

 Please read pages 140 through 143 in our text books (CPO) and be sure to review our notes on viruses. This is a SHORT ANSWER test, not multiple choice. I suggest looking at the questions on page 143, in our text, and writing the answers to those questions before beginning this on-line version. You have 2 1/2 hours to complete the test once you've begun.  

Test Link:

Test access code:  NYT8S

Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Week #16 VOCABULARY assignment - Due by end-of-day 12/18/2020 (Friday) - Plus YouTube recap -

 HI ... Attached is the link for the Week #16 vocabulary assignment. Almost all of the Key Terms are straight from Chapter Five (CPO Books.)

Due by the end of the day on Friday, December 18th.

Access Code:  37XN

Thanks ... Scott Forbes

Saturday, November 21, 2020

Alternate Extra Credit / Makeup test - Open 11.17.2020 - 11.30.2020 -

 Link for an alternate test for anyone who missed the week #12 or week #13 test. Also, feel free to take this if you want to try to raise your grade on one of those tests. Remember, if you already took the week#12 and week #13 test, and you score lower on this, it won't bring down your grade, it can only help. It's written in such a way as to review the concepts from ALL of our notes.

The test is open from 11.17.2020 through 11.30.2020

Test Link:

Access Code:  X49F4

Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Week Ten test link and code.

 Link to take the test:

Code for the week ten test:  9BCS9

There is a 90 minute time limit once you begin the test. It's due by the end of classes on Thursday. This one is a "True / False" test so be sure to read each question carefully, as the answer may hinge on a single word. - Happy Tuesday!

Notes and Key Terms - Week 10 -


Saturday, October 17, 2020

Optional / Extra Credit Test - Based upon Chapter one and two and our notes.

 There is a three - hour time limit for this test, once you've begun. It's totally based upon our notes and chapters one and two from our text book.

Here's the link to take the optional test. This test score will replace your lowest test score. if, however, you score low on this optional test, it will not be counted. (So, give it a try ...)

Here is the code needed to sign in and take the test:


This is due by Thursday, October 22nd.

Monday, October 12, 2020

Week 8 Test - Due Friday, October 16 - by 3:00 pm -

 Here's the link for the test. It is 14 questions, multiple choice. You have two hours from the time you begin the test to complete it.

The code to take the test has been mailed to you through your Google Classroom account and your Jupiter Grades account. Use your text book and our notes! Good Luck :-)