04.15.2020 - Science -
Left side of science notes - Please copy these into your interactive student notebook.
For the RIGHT side, today, define the terms that are CAPITALIZED.
Always answer the questions in the notes.
- Current Events: CNN 10 - https://www.cnn.com/cnn10
- One note on PPE - Personal Protective Equipment.
- One note on the Louvre - CNN does a piece on the museum in Paris.
II. Cycles in Nature: We’ve been studying some of the cycles in nature. (Carbon, Rock, Nitrogen, and Water Cycles.). There are many other natural cycles that are important for life and today we will touch on some of the cycles we’ve either already learned a bit about, or will learn more about in our last trimester.
A. Tides: When we were at outdoor education we visited the beach. One important cycle the naturalists had to keep in mind was the cycle of tides. There are two HIGH TIDES and two LOW TIDES each day along our coast.
1. Tides are caused by and interaction of the GRAVITY from the sun and the MOON (mainly, the moon) as it pulls on both the oceans and the Earth.
2. Our MOON is about a quarter of a million miles away and ORBITS our Earth one each month. We even get the word “month” from “moon.”
3. Earlier, in this school year, we observed the moon and kept a journal of the PHASES of the moon.
4. Many scientists think that the moon helped push the EVOLUTION of life of Earth by doing two, very important things.
i) First, or moon helps keep the rotation of Earth on its AXIS steady, that that our planet does not have too much variation between SEASONS.
ii). Second, our moon is the main reason Earth has tides. And TIDE POOLS are places where life had to adapt, quickly, to changing ENVIRONMENTS. Also, life began in Earth’s oceans and, later, adapted to land. TIDE POOLS helped life transition from ocean to land quickly.
B. The OXYGEN cycle:
1. How do plants release oxygen?
2. How do animals use oxygen?
3. (This question is tough … write down your best guess and we’ll discuss it tomorrow.). Earth is the only planet in our SOLAR SYSTEM with lots of oxygen in the ATMOSPHERE. Why do you think the other planets that orbit our sun do not have much oxygen in their atmospheres? (At least, the kind of oxygen we can breath?)
C. Biological LIFE CYCLES. All of the cells in the kingdoms of life go through cycles. Remember the kingdoms of life? (Bacteria is broken into two parts. Remember what they are?)
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