Wednesday, May 13, 2020

05.13.2020 - Science Notes and assignment -

05.13.2020 - Science - 
Notes and challenge - Remember to define any CAPITALIZED terms with which you are unfamiliar. 

  1. Current Events:  Corona virus - Focusing on antibodies and the immune system.
    1. … (ie: Chicken Pox or Polio vs the Common Cold.)
    2. …. (Mutation of viruses.)
II.  Protists: We’re looking at each of the six Kingdoms. Today it’s PROTISTS: Single, or multi, celled organisms that live in wet environments.
1.  Some protists are plant-like, they PHOTOSYNTHESIZE.
2.  Some animal-like. They consume other living things.
3.  Other protists are fungus-like: The DECOMPOSE.

III.  All protists are EUKARYOTIC: 

IV.  Algae are plat-like protists that have CHLOROPHYLL.
A.  Algae lack stems, roots, leaves, and vascular tissue. Look back on our notes / video on plants and the example of celery stalks and how the tubes pithing the stalk draw up water.  Plants have specialized tissue that bring water up the stem and delivers food to the farthest reaches of the plant.  Algae don’t have these specialized tissues so, usually, algae had to live surrounded by water.

  B.  Some protists are single-celled and propel themselves with “tails” called FLAGELLUM.

V.  Some PROTISTS, like an Amoeba, are PROTOZOANS. They have a simple “eye spot” to detect light and a VACUOLE where they digest food.

VI.  Protozoans are CLASSIFIED based on how they move.
A.  Amoeboids move by extending “pseudopods”. (False feet) and seem to “ooze” along. 
B.  Ciliates move by using very small, hair-like projections called CILIA and waving these hairs in unison to “swim” along.
C.  Flagellates: Some move using a long “tail” called flagella. These whip-like tails can propel the protozoan through water.
D.  Sporozoans:  These do not move on their own. All sporozoans are PARASITIC. Remember back to when we learned a bit about mosquitos and how mosquitos are responsible for more human illness than any other animal. Often, mosquitos pass along parasites which infect a HOST.

ASSIGNMENT:  (Two science assignments today.)
  1. CLASSIFICATION:  Observe any living species (besides a human) and write the complete, scientific classification for it. For example; the oak trees that we have on campus …
Kingdom:  Plantae
Phylum:  Magnoliophyta
Class:  Magnoliopsida
Order:  Flageles
Family:  Fagaceae
Genus:  Quercus
Species:  Virginiana

I know that’s quite a bit, but a scientists would, usually, only use the last two of these to identify a specific species. This is the classification for a Live Oak (There are several on campus. We visited one when we collected seeds.). A scientist would refer to the live oak as Quercus Virginiana. (Or, just Q. Virginiana.)

2.  Assignment #2:  Look up ONE parasitic disease and describe the the life cycle. For example, malaria is caused by a parasite that depends on mosquitos to spread it between animal hosts. It reproduces in the liver of the animal it infects.

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