05.27.2020 - Wednesday -
- Big “Space X” launch today. (Check the current events link.) The first flight of astronauts from Florida in years. Science notes on the plant kingdom. Notes will continue into the summer for those interested.
A. As we wind down the assignment posting I plan on continuing placing materials up on the blog (www.pacificascience.org) that is in line with the middle school science and math standards. It’ll be notes and explanations to help us all keep on top of the subject matter over the summer.
B. Math - Unit 7, lesson three and four posted. Lesson 5 posted, as well, but we won’t get that far. However, I’ll scan and post the rest of unit 7 so you can work on it over the summer.
C. Attendance link …
- https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSd_CM_acOMmAKH-QZ0eMLd3jNqdVFm0ieoD-UleQcj7KMjDIw/viewform
- Math and science links:
A. The Google Classroom links:
1. Math. o5jdv6r
2. Science. xxhaswm
iV. The blog has direct links to our ten-min science YouTube videos: http://www.pacificascience.org/ … The most recent YouTube video was replaced and all links should be working again. Thanks.
V. Current events: https://www.cnn.com/cnn10 - Please check out the following two stories on CNN 10 today;
A. Space X launch scheduled for about 1:00 pm California time.
B. The formation of a RING GALAXY.
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