Wednesday, March 18, 2020

03.18.2020 - First home-school post :-) - Wednesday -

Hi everyone! I sure miss seeing you all in person!!! I tried posting a first video to YouTube for this new kind of learning. My goal is to keep things moving, brief, and to the point.

Please try not to laugh too hard at my clunky first attempt here ... I also notice the internet seems to be quite slow, so for science I may stick to static pictures.

For science please keep a notebook as we have been doing all year. A left side for notes, and a right side for activity. (Labs, diagrams, questions, etc.)

Here's the link to our Math notes ...

I'll post the science notes this evening. On a personal note, our family is also getting used to working from home and it's been quite an adjustment for the kids, my wife, myself, and - I think even our cat is a bit confused. It was wonderful seeing those of you who happened to pop by while I was in the room today. If you don't have a math workbook I'll continue to scan and post the pages.

Take care and remember to set a schedule for yourself, get outside for walks, and be there for each other.


Scott Forbes

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