Thursday, March 26, 2020

03.26.2020 - Thursday -

Science / Math / STEM - 03.26.2020 - Thursday - 

     Good morning!  I went by H4 and saw that most of the math workbooks were picked up. I picked up my books and will spend some quality time with the scanner today posting units and answers keys so we can self-correct units 1-4.  For today, in math, please spend about a half hour with Kahn Academy and I’ll post the science notes update asap today.
     On a personal note, I’m scheduled to pick up some supplies for the family this morning around 9:00 so I’ll get the notes out there to the blog and google classroom. 
     Thank you for heading to Kahn Academy and I’ve received many of your wonderful tree pictures / sketches.  We are doing those to explore the way life adapted to land. Especially photosynthesizing organisms.

  1. Here’s the link for attendance.

II.  Here’s the link for current events - CNN 10 -

III.  The link to a google blog for notes:

IV. The Kahn Academy class code for math:  77R2HNBX

V.  The Google Classroom links:
1.  Math.      o5jdv6r

2.  Science.     xxhaswm

3.  STEM.       yox77qa.       

VI.  For math we’re heading into Unit 6, Lesson 4

Thanks and have a great day everyone!  

Scott Forbes

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