Monday, March 30, 2020

03.30.2020 - Monday - Plan for this week -

Plan for week 31 - H4 - Math /Science / STEM - S. Forbes
One minute science videos (based on our curriculum) uploaded at

Google Blog mirroring the content in the Google Classrooms at.

  1. Monday:
    1. Math:  Unit 6, Lesson 5a (first half) plus notes.
    2. Science:  Nitrogen Cycle - Notes (Reminders and re-out to students who still have to turn in Carbon Cycle assignment and tree picture.)
    3. STEM:  Programming - Symbols
II.  Tuesday:
A.  Math:  Unit 6, Lesson 5b (second half) plus notes
B.  Science: Life adapting to land - Case study: Flowers
C.  STEM:  Programming - Flowcharts

III.  Wednesday:
A,  Math:  Kahn Academy and “Review / Preview.” Focus
B.  Science:  Adapted from McGraw / Hill - Flowers, traits, and DNA.
C.  STEM:  Computers - Essential parts of computers.

IV.  Thursday:
A.  Math:  Self-correcting Unit 6 lessons and begin lesson 6
B.  Science:  Punnett square review.
C,  STEM:  Computers - Virus’ and hacking

V.  Friday:
A.  Math:  Write-in Unit 6 - Mid Unit assessment.
B.  Science:  Write-in - Science Assessment. Notes on the ecosystem. Natural vs. Artificial selection.
C.  Computers and tech - Artificial intelligence. (AI.) 

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